CURRICULUM – Limudei Kodesh
Chumash B’iyun
Grade 9 Chumash Bereishis with Commentaries
Grade 10 Chumash Shemos with Commentaries
Grades 11/12 Chumash Shemos with Commentaries
Grade 12 Honors Chumash Bereishis with Commentaries
Chumash Bekius (Chumash Overview)
Grades 9,10,11,12 Chumash Devarim with Rashi Commentary
Parshas Hashavua
Grades 9,10,11,12 An overview of the Torah Portion of the week
Nach- Neviim and Kesuvim
Grade 9 Megillah
Grade 10 Trei Asar, Tehillim
Grades 11/12 Yeshayahu
Halacha (Jewish Law)
Grades 9,10,11 Laws of Shabbos
Grade 12 Laws of Kashrus
Historia (Jewish History)
Grade 9 Study of Period of the Second Temple Era
Grades 10,11/12 History of the Jewish People 1750-1900
Hebrew Language
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Grammar and Conversation Hebrew
Grade 9 A course exploring the Torah perspective on relevant topics
Grade 9 A course dealing with pertinent issues that teenagers face in today’s times
Pirekei Avos
Grades 9, 10 A study of Pirkei Avos, Ethics from Sinai
Shmoneh Esreh
Grade 12 An in-depth study of Shmoneh Esrei
Grades 10,11 A course guiding students in understanding themselves and their G-d given role in the world
Shesh Mitzvos Temidios
Grade 11 A course exploring the Six Constant Mizvos
Topics in Torah
Grade 11 A course exploring relevant Torah Topics
Toras Habayis
Grade 12 An exploration of the many roles of the Jewish woman
Grade 12 An exploration of the depth and beauty of the mida of hatznea leches